Thursday, March 10, 2011

Worlds' Most Natural Thing

New York Times: Elissa Gootman
'Breast-Feeding Boutique Battles in Feud with Condo Board'
Background: In short there is a problem with the boutique and its consumers because the store has moved into the Pythian which has no windows, and used to be a historical landmark in which the apartment building was exclusively all male. 

The first few words grasp the reader saying, "For legions of lactating women in one of Manhattan’s most productive precincts, it has become an essential destination:..." The alliteration used here is uncommon, because the word legions is not commonly used in everyday American diction. Therefore it grabs the readers attention. Words like myriad, and emporium are speckled throughout this feature making the reader have to think a little bit more than usual to understand exactly what is taking place. The writer of this introduces quotes in a very unique way. She fits certain short quotes in like "sufficient evidence", and "community facility". The writing style is a little satirical in the sense that the actual facts are sometimes ironic, and a little contradictory. The author also sort of makes a generalizing statement in the beginning saying that breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world. This is too relative, but it provokes the readers to think.

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