Thursday, February 24, 2011


While reporting for the Chimes, and writing an article for class I had a great time interviewing two people I have come to like very much. The SCORR Conference is a conference dedicated to bringing issues of racial reconciliation and diversity to light in a Christian setting here at Biola, and other Christian universities. One of my interviewees said that she could spend her time doing better things than attending this conference. She was quite opposed to my views on this subject, and that startled me. It made me wonder, where are we really with issues of race? Will issues of race and diversity within God's kingdom ever be resolved here on Earth? Will God's Kingdom be more diverse than people believe? What will that look like?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

On or Off the Record

5 potential problems of interviewing on or off the record, at Biola University...

1)Interviewees could say something crazy that they might regret...

2)They could go on and on about something that you, the interviewer, may have just wanted a quick answer to...

3)They could curse; "Oh d----!"

4)They could use the Lord's name in vain; OMG!

5)The interviewee may not know what you are asking them about, and you have to repeat it 20 million times.

DISCLAIMER: These are just a few problems with interviewing on and off the record, and are real problems that have been encountered, but  are not subject to Biola University journalists.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gawker/ Congressman Scandal

Congressman Christopher Lee resigned because he was caught in a Craigslist scandal. The New York Representative was caught in his web of flirtatious emails, and photos sent to a woman on Craigslist in Maryland. The woman he was flirting with sent the emails, photos, and also some of her own comments to  One photo was leaked to the press of the Congressman flexing his right bicep, and it has now become the staple photo of this scandal. The Congressman's coworkers found the story on Gawker, and before he finally decided to resign he proceeded to tell them that his email account was hacked.

LOL. Wow. Really Congressman? You were on Craigslist... Hacked? I dont think so... Creepy...I think yes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Foundations of Journalism 1

 Hazardous, or Prosperous Construction?

Biola students are not happy with the construction taking place on campus. Some students think that it is dangerous and could give way to possible accidents in the future.

 “Now there are cars driving through the school almost hitting students. Says Caitlin Helms, Freshman. 

Although some may see all of Biola's construction as a danger, others see some of the construction, like the new building for Talbot school of Theology, as progress.

 “It will enable Talbot to go forward, and it is the right investment because the people who planned it had God’s vision in mind. Says Prof. Mosqueda.”

Some students beleive that  Biola needs to create clear communication with the students about the dangers and possible hazards of the construction. Most students may not even know what construction is happening, but they believe that clear communication could help with this in the future.

“Yes. Says Dvora Kasdan, Sophmore.  I think it’s important to know about what construction is happening.”

Reporters: Josh Kristianto, Jessie Fike, Hannah Quinn

Writer/Reporter: Tonika Reed